AAC – 2 – Get to know us

Love Your Life Ministries





During a conversation with a former San Quentin inmate several years ago, I sought guidance on the most impactful ways to support incarcerated individuals. He shared a profound insight: the greatest gifts are those that alleviate the profound lack of financial resources and emotional connection. Loneliness, he underscored, is a pervasive and deeply isolating experience within prison walls.

The meager wages earned by incarcerated workers, typically ranging from 12 to 40 cents per hour, severely limit their ability to meet basic needs. Our champions (inmates), compelled to fund communication expenses – email, postage, and higher-quality hygiene products, as well as the exorbitant costs of video and phone calls, face substantial financial strain.


“‘Adopt a Champion’ has made me realize that there are people as well as GOD out there that loves and cares for us. I am glad that there are others out there who make me feel special and know there is hope out there for us. Thank you to ‘Adopt A Champion’ for loving me and helping me get closer to The FATHER.” Lillie has not had a visit for seven years. in 2022 she joined the ‘Adopt A Champion’ Program. After completing three months we gave her an MP3 player. Lillie has a personal vision, life plan and a mission statement. She is also able to crochet in prison and give the blankets and scarves as gifts. Lillie

The biggest gift we can give them is:

  • Financial support: $10 for every four visits.
  • Mentorship: meetings with a personal coach to:
    • Help them hear God’s voice.
    • Stand in the gap for their loved ones.
    • Discover their identity in Christ.
    • Overcome the lies they believe about themselves and others.
    • Heal from past trauma.

To witness healings, deliverance, and the blossoming of newfound identities is a sacred gift. I see forgiveness taking root and individuals embracing the unique beings God intended them to be. Their destinies are woven with threads of divine purpose.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”

— Luke 4:18-19 TPT 

Adopt A Champion

Would you be interested in mentoring someone?

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