Ransomed By Barbara T Marshall

Love Your Life Ministries

Ransomed By Barbara T Marshall


The book Ransomed reveals the incredible value you have as a daughter of GOD and is drawing from five women and their experiences and their stories of how God has  transformed their lives. Loving yourself from the inside out is an exciting journey of self-discovery. Ransomed will help you become confident with who you are and how God redeems and revives the tired, and wounded hearts.

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RANSOMED – paperback


What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see wrinkles, blemishes, fatique and or pain or a beautiful reflection of a woman of strenghth, good character, courage and passion? It’s hard to remember that ttrue beauty is not what’s on thec over of fashion magazines. are you able to look beyond whatever physical flaws you may have and truly love yourself? Every woman wants to  be  regarded as “beautiful” and valuable… and you are! So what is holding you back from believing it?

In Ransomed, author and speaker Barbara Marshall draws upon the lives of  five amazing women from te Bible- Rahab, Naomi, Hannah, Deborah, and Martha – that beautifully illustrate God’s ability to ransom hearts, revive tired and wounded spirits and reveal the incredible loveliness He has placed whithin each of us. She also shares her own personal struggles with eating discorders, a broken marriage, troubled teens, and financial hardship and explores how they have shaped her character.

Who should read this book?

If you struggle with feeligs of inadequacy, emotional wounds, hidden pain, or just playing the  coparison game with other women, this book is if for you. Ransomedwill help you learn to become confident with who you are and what you look like, both inside and out. Unveil the incredible woman God created you to be! Then you will be able to truly love yoursef and thrive as a beautiful woman.  




Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 8 × 3.5 × 0.5 in